Virtually no new cash market info to digest from yesterday in cattle, other than the new showlists which are once again smaller than the prior week.  We saw a somewhat light slaughter posted yesterday and from the packers’ perspective this might be needed to support boxes and calm down cash trade a bit.  It remains to be seen if this light pace will continue for the remainder of the week.

Hog trade continued to march higher yesterday following cash support.  The cash index is now up to $72, likely supporting some further gain in the near term.  There seem to be rumblings that export demand to Mexico is starting to tail off a bit, and so we’ll need to closely watch export sales each week in the near future.  If export business is starting to taper a bit at these levels, it might provide a catalyst for some sort of correction.

Below you’ll see the interesting chart of the day.  Here we have the spread between the spot live cattle futures and the contract 12-months out (shown as percent the above/below of the spot month).  What this is basically showing is that the inverse in the cattle futures has grown to its highest levels since 2003.  I believe the reason for the huge inverse at that time was the first case of Canadian BSE.

1 Year Live Cattle Futures Spread

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