Cash cattle absolutely screamed higher yesterday and took the futures board along with it.  This is the problem I mentioned yesterday…you have a cash market that just doesn’t want to break 130 to the downside and a deliverable futures contract trading well under that heading into first notice.  Now that the cash cattle market has exploded again, the futures board is playing catch-up.  Limits are expanded today, and based on the strength in cash I wouldn’t be totally surprised if those expanded limits were tested today.

Today is also option expiration in June cattle.  As you can see below, there is above-normal resting open interest at the June 130 strike level.  That’s a lot of short calls sitting there that probably didn’t expect to be sitting ATM on expiration just 24 hours ago.  With cash trading 137, I’m not sure these guys will want to go home today short futures if the board does indeed continue higher today.

June Cattle Option Open Interest

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